Rain.Credit 2021 Roadmap
To show our commitment to building our uniquely positioned Oracle Aggregation platform with a unique use-case in the DEFI space, we are delighted to share our Roadmap with you.
Q2–2021 (Testnet Season)
Our focus for the second quarter of 2021 is to get the platform in full gear with the Oracle and Lending platform working effectively on the testnet within a short period of time. We also aim to further build on the Oracle platform by building the “Trust Network”, which motivates data providers.
- $RAIN token Presale (read more)
- Exchange Listings
- Testnet Off-Chain Aggregation Oracle Analytics
- Testnet Lending Platform.
- Testnet Trust Network
- Deflationary Staking and Farming Launch
Q3–2021 (Mainnet Season)
Our focus for the early third quarter of 2021 is to get the platform in full gear with the Oracle and Lending platform migrated from Testnet to Mainnet within a short period of time. We also aim to further build on the Oracle platform by launching the “Trust Network”, which incentives data providers.
- Contract Audits Lending and Oracle
- Mainnet Off-Chain Oracle Analytics
- Mainnet Lending Platform
- Aggregated Data Providers
- Trust Network
- RAIN Oracle Hackathon
Q4–2021 (Middleware Season)
This quarter will be heavily focused on middle-ware integration and an exciting period for our community with the RAIN drops Governance DAO launch.
- Oracle Network Release 2.0 (Beyond Aggregation Analytics)
- Off-Chain Oracle Marketplace Release supporting multiple chain
- RAIN GraphQL Abstraction Layer Launch
- RAIN Governance DAO
- Off-Chain Asset Management and Monitoring Platform Release
- Off-Chain Asset Management and Monitoring Platform Release (One-Click Integration with non-blockchain based platform)
- Comprehensive API and Documentation Release
Q1–2022 (Cross-Chain Season)
First Quarter will see a focus on Cross-Chain integration beyond the Ethereum network with a view to make our services available across multiple blockchain networks.
- Cross-Chain Collateral Lending
- Cross-Chain Oracle Launch
- Smart Contract Analytics Platform
- Cross Chain Trust Score (Beyond Ethereum Network)
- Asset Group Trust Score
- Continuous development and improvement of the Trust Network
- Academic research and publication of Trust Score impact in the DeFi sector
We will continue to update the road map as we achieve our milestones and progress with development
Follow us
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rain_credit
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/F2T-nN0dpiKkDUWR